
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kitchen Island Makeover; Step Ladder Makeover

Never have I had a more productive weekend, especially today while I had my husband around with his handy work to help me out!  We had a great afternoon hanging out in our backyard with the dogs BBQing hot dogs, snacking on the neighbor's organic grapes, and oh yeah, sweating in 90+ deg. weather while painting, sanding, and more painting!  I'll save a few projects for later posts, but I just had to share this very practical treasure we picked up at the flea market on Saturday!

We have been needing a kitchen island of some sort for awhile to provide a little more counter space since ours is seriously lacking!

After a good sand down, a few coats of paint, simple polyurethane to the top, and the addition of 4 casters, here we are!  A MOBILE kitchen island with extra room for storage! 

Yep, I think it will come in handy!
Earlier I posted a picture of a small step ladder I purchased from the same flea market.  Well, today we finally got around to painting and distressing it.  I say "we" because my husband was more than willing to add alittle of his own distressing himself!  I gratefully oblidged.



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