
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Handmade Paper for a Lamp Revamp

Here I have spruced up a lamp and picture frame using handmade paper that I found during our honeymoon in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  I can't even tell you how much I love that place!  Finding treasures, such as this handmade paper, is one example of the dirt cheap, yet amazing finds you can discover by shopping the little stores, stands, or blankets rolled out on the sidewalk!  It was a peaceful place to relax and enjoy wine, food and each other after a chaotic mess of a wedding!

Before photo frame:

 It makes great matting for a photo frame don't you think?

I had a cheap target lamp with dark brown wood and boring off-white paper.  With the addition of a little white paint and unique paper, it's an absolute transformation! 

What do you think?  Love, Kate


  1. Such cute ideas! I am going to try this with some of my special paper that I have laying around. So excited to finally put the scraps to use!
