
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kitchen Island Makeover; Step Ladder Makeover

Never have I had a more productive weekend, especially today while I had my husband around with his handy work to help me out!  We had a great afternoon hanging out in our backyard with the dogs BBQing hot dogs, snacking on the neighbor's organic grapes, and oh yeah, sweating in 90+ deg. weather while painting, sanding, and more painting!  I'll save a few projects for later posts, but I just had to share this very practical treasure we picked up at the flea market on Saturday!

We have been needing a kitchen island of some sort for awhile to provide a little more counter space since ours is seriously lacking!

After a good sand down, a few coats of paint, simple polyurethane to the top, and the addition of 4 casters, here we are!  A MOBILE kitchen island with extra room for storage! 

Yep, I think it will come in handy!
Earlier I posted a picture of a small step ladder I purchased from the same flea market.  Well, today we finally got around to painting and distressing it.  I say "we" because my husband was more than willing to add alittle of his own distressing himself!  I gratefully oblidged.



Saturday, August 28, 2010

Handmade Paper for a Lamp Revamp

Here I have spruced up a lamp and picture frame using handmade paper that I found during our honeymoon in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  I can't even tell you how much I love that place!  Finding treasures, such as this handmade paper, is one example of the dirt cheap, yet amazing finds you can discover by shopping the little stores, stands, or blankets rolled out on the sidewalk!  It was a peaceful place to relax and enjoy wine, food and each other after a chaotic mess of a wedding!

Before photo frame:

 It makes great matting for a photo frame don't you think?

I had a cheap target lamp with dark brown wood and boring off-white paper.  With the addition of a little white paint and unique paper, it's an absolute transformation! 

What do you think?  Love, Kate

Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm a little more country than that

Initiation, per say........

I suppose to really be able to start posting creative ideas and DIY projects I had better start by revealing disclaiming my style of unique decor.  Here are a few pictures from past or recent projects that have each played a part in turning our (my husband, 2 dogs, and I) house into a home.

Our Robin's Egg Blue kitchen table. This table marks the purchasing of my very first obital sander!  The unfinished top was found in our alley, score! Thanks to the help of my husband and in-laws, it turned out pretty nice with a bit of work and optimism!

 A close up of one of the legs.  I love the wood grain and chose to just seal the wood rather than paint or stain and just let its natural beauty contrast with the robbin's egg blue top.

Next, a small step ladder from the local flea market.

A little sanding but that's it so far. 

This doily table runner is an external inspiration from the beautiful and talented Ashley Ann from Under the Sycamore.  This was fun to hunt for the doilies at local second hand stores and flea markets and then put it all together and create a fantastic outcome in no time at all!
