
Saturday, November 20, 2010


Well, I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything.  It has a little to do with the fact that my hard drive decided to quit on us after we "improperly" shut down our computer one too many times.  We live in a 100 year old house and as much as we love its unique timeless charm, we HATE the fact that almost everything in this house runs off the same breaker!!!  Needless to say, we turn on one too many things and there goes the power again.  I guess our computer didn't appreciate the abrupt end to its power source.

We're now back in business and I just happen to be leaving today for warmer climates.  First stop, Texas.  Sunday is my mother's wedding and I can't wait to see her start on this new journey in her life.  Next stop, Mexico.  The day after Thanksgiving is my sister-in-law's wedding.  Luckily its on an all inclusive resort and I DO NOT plan to leave it for any reason other than to get to/from the airport.  I also do not plan to drink the tap water.  Mexico may be a sticky situation right now but it's not enough to keep me away from 80 degree weather and sandy beaches while our home in Colorado is seeing snowy 30 degree weather!

I have a few DIY projects that I would like to post soon, unfortunately, they will just have to wait until I get back from all of our wedding festivities!

Take care and Happy Thanksgiving!!  Kate

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