
Sunday, September 26, 2010

DIY Vintage Milk Glass

After painting my most recent project (pictures to come), I had some really pretty shades of blue paint left over that I had blended myself.  Since I couldn't poor the little bit that I had left back into the original paint cans, I decided to try my own version of vintage milk glass.

I used leftover glass pieces from my wedding center pieces.  These used to hold tea lights.

Then I added a little bit of paint and swirled it around until the entire inside was coated.  Then, I held it upside down for about a minute to let the rest of the loose paint drip out into the trash.  Finally, I let it dry upside down on a paper plate.

I discovered I could use these as a plate pedestal like in my previous post about PEDESTAL PLATE STANDS.

I thought it looked even cuter with one turned upside down as a PLATE PEDESTAL!

I used my mason jars to hold my custom blended paint.  Once they are just about empty, these too will be my next "vintage" milk glass pieces!

Good night,
Sleep tight,
Wake up bright,
In the morning light,
Do what's right,
With all your might,
Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Good night all!!!!!

Linking to these PARTIES!


  1. This is a really neat idea. I love it!

  2. My mom used to always sing me that ditty at the end right before bed every night... :-)

    Clever idea. They look pretty.

    Found you over at It's So Very Cheri!

    My post is here:

  3. What a neat thing to do. I just learned something new. Thank you!

  4. Waste not, want not - great idea!
